Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Take a look... it's in a book... a reading rainbow!

A couple of things...

First, do you remember the show Reading Rainbow that was hosted by LeVar Burton? I really used to love that show.... I was always quite interested to see what other kids were reading, and to see if anyone was reading the same books that I was. When those moments came up, it was like the times on Romper Room when the lady with the mirror say "I see Peter, and Janie, and Liz..." and called your name. I'm sorry to anyone who didn't have a super white name like lindsay... you probably didn't get called. I feel your pain, and I validate it (but only with $20 purchase or more.)

On the reading tip, I went into Indigo today for two items: a) Biz Bash T.O., and b) Tiki
When I left, I had two items - one of which was Tiki (by Tiki Barber) and the other was Holler if You Hear Me (by Michael Eric Dyson), about Tupac. They were out of Biz Bash, but getting a shipment in tomorrow, which really means nothing to me because I won't be there tomorrow to purchase it. Anyhow, I've been looking forward to reading Tiki because he seems like an interesting character, and in my mind, anyone who in fact is an interesting character must project that character into their written work. I can honestly say I don't think I've read a book for pleasure since high school, and approaching the end of my post-secondary career I'm once again excited to pick up a book - in this case, Tiki - and read it not because I have to, but because I want to! I realize this makes me a nerd, but I came to terms with my inner nerd many years ago, and we lead very peaceful and complimentary lives together.

And secondly, on an unrelated note, I thought I'd put it out there: it's so much fun to have a crush. I haven't really allowed myself to have a legit crush in a hot minute, and in the last week, I've gone against my better judgment and decided that I have a crush. And while I'm entirely sure that he: a) has no idea, and b) does not reciprocate the feelings, I'm still having tons of fun with it. And if I can encourage anyone to do the same (pursue an unrequited crush and enjoy every moment of it) then my job is done. Just do something that's good for your soul... and believe me, crushing is one of the best.

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